
Historical re-enactment


Monteriggioni Castle (SI) July 9th and 10th 2022

July 9th
1213 – Foundation of the Castle

h 11:00 Opening of the Castle with guards at the gates and patrols on the walls, military camp, artisan shops
h 11:30 am Historical parade in the streets of the Castle by the historic group of Monteriggioni, greeting of the Lord of the castle in Piazza Dante and history of the birth of the Castle and its families
h 1:00 pm Lunch in the taverns
h 3:30 pm Messer Lurinetto introduces the artists
h 4:00 pm A great return in the Castle: the music of the Sonagli of Tagatam ArteAre: traveling parade in the streets, with stilts, music and moments of comedy shows
h 5:30 pm The Agresto of Monteriggioni presents the historical reenactment "A wedding in Dante's time"
h 6:30 pm I Leoni Bianchi and the armed groups will show the art of combat
h 7:30 pm La Compagnia della Giostra presents "MedFolkCarousel"
h 8:00 pm Dinner in the taverns
h 9:00 pm Music by the Sonagli of Tagatam
h 9:45 pm The Monteriggioni drummers, I Leoni Bianchi and La Vita Nova dance group in: "Strength and Grace"
h 10:30 pm ArteAre presents "Alchemy of fire"
h 11:00 pm Closing concert by La Giostra

July 10th
1554 - The Castle under siege

h 11:00 am Opening of the Castle with guards at the gates and patrols on the walls, military camp, artisan shops
h 11:45 am Historical parade in the streets of the Castle by the historic group of Monteriggioni. The Lord of the castle in Piazza Dante will admonish the soldiers and the people for a strenuous defense of the Castle. The sound of the war drums will follow.
h 1:00 pm Lunch in the taverns
h 3:30 pm Messer Lurinetto presents the program of the day The Company of Scannagallo: the Castle under siege, recall of soldiers to arms, skirmishes and tests of strength
h 4:00 pm Traveling music with the Sonagli of Tagatam
h 4:30 pm ArteAre: animation in the streets
h 5:00 pm Arrival of the Trombonieri Senatore to defend the Castle
h 6:00 pm Historical dances by the Company of Scannagallo
h 6:30 pm Historical re-enactment: "1554: the fall of Monteriggioni and the betrayal of Giovannino Zeti"
h 7:30 pm La Compagnia della Giostra presents the musical show "MedFolkCarousel"
h 8:00 pm Dinner in the taverns
h 9:00 pm Music by the Sonagli of Tagatam
h 9:30 pm Musicians, trumpets and arquebusiers will perform in a show made up of music, choreography and arquebus shots. Curated by I Trombonieri Senatore
h 10:30 pm ArteAre presents "Alchemy of fire"
h 11:00 pm Closing concert by La Giostra